Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Allietare Done

I am done!!!!  Well the top is done and the quilting room is too cold to finish it now, maybe in the spring I'll get the quilting done.  I did make some changes, it's smaller, only twin size.  No real gray or black in quantity enough to be scrappy.  BUT I did have a lot of blues about the value of the gray so used those.   Found a really dark shaded green for the black and used it for the constant. 
Check out others on Bonnie's blog. 


  1. Love it, nice bright colors! Always a winner IMHO

  2. Love it, nice bright colors! Always a winner IMHO

  3. Looks great! Hope you are able to sew soon. I have 2 space heaters in my sewing room over the garage and it is sometimes a challenge to get it warm enough. www.stitchinggrandma.wordpress.com

  4. Very pretty! And it looks good in that size, too. Congratulations!

  5. You stuck with the program and ended up with a new quilt. Me, I just watched.
